Our t-bottom pouches vary from small to large and can be used for pretty much anything.
The artwork "Beautiful World" is about seeing the beauty of the world around us, overcoming life's obstacles, and the different sides to life. It is hard sometimes to see the beauty of the forest through the ugliness of some of the trees, but it so important to remember the bigger picture. Be the beauty that we want to see in the world, not one of the ugly trees. In life we have personal mountains/obstacles that we must climb. We must endure. We just have to keep going to reach the mountain-top and achieve our goals. Even when it seems that the goal is lost keep doing the next right thing. Go after your dreams with every fiber of your being. The duality of the day is expressed in the sun, moon and stars as well as the split between curved and jagged lines. Life is brilliant and it is meant to be lived. "Beautiful World" depicts embracing the beauty in the world.